So many women when they go to Sephora, they always get stressed because sellers ask so many question. But, it's not sellers problem, they just have so many products and so many choices to give you. Long time ago, you can ask for few brands with few colors, and few things to complete your make up. Now, the shops look like a make up BOMB exploded all over it. But, I must say, all of those new brands are way better than older brands. I read the information that woman's industry worth is 200 million dollars, but during 2025. will be 50 billion. That means a lot. But, don't worry and don't be stressed if they're asking too much, they are asking you normal questions, but you need to ask yourself: "Do I really know myself?" It's ok. Don't get more nervous right now, let me give you some tips. Let's begin.
- The most important thing is color. You need to buy a foundation color that matches your skin color, cover the imperfections and give you 1 tone up, but not visibly to make your skin fresh and clean.
DON'T cover only your face, it will look like you're wearing a mask, not your face. So many women do that, I don't understand why. You need to cover your neck also, even when you tie your hair, apply on your ears, it will make a difference. Even if you're wearing V neck blouse apply on your decolletage. YES! DIFFERENCE WILL BE SEEN!
- This product is a must have for women who have bags and darker color under eyes. For me personally, is not necessary to wear it all the time when you do your make up.
DON'T buy two shades lighter than your skin color, difference will be seen, you will look like a alien, or like a panda. :) I'm joking now, but it's true. Find you concealer that looks natural to your skin color, not to have big difference when you have make up on your face. This is up to you - you know the best.
3. Contour kit:
- If you want to shade your face and make a cheek bones visible or you want to change your face shape, this is perfect for you. I love it, it makes my face more beautiful and natural because I don't want to change a lot, maybe to define more. :) It nice to have it.
DON'T buy a darker color, because if you want to blend it, line will be seen, and it will look like a bump on your cheeks and it will not be natural, it will look like dirt on your forehead. Yucky! Always use one or two size darker than a foundation, and try to blend more to look like a shadow, not like a dark line.
- For so long brow pencil are used, but when I'm thinking about my aunt when she was getting ready to go outside on a weekend night out with her friends, she was drawing her eyebrows like flat thick bold line, my Gosh it was so bad. That means - DON'T!
First, you need to choose exact the same color of your eyebrows, because difference will be seen. You need to use this to make it bolder if you have lighter color, to fix the imperfection. DON'T MAKE IT FAKE, MAKE IT NATURAL WITH A LITTLE CORRECTION!
- Oh, this is the hardest thing for every woman. You know, it you want to watch tutorials how to make cat eyes, smoky eyes, blah blah blah... you must know the most important thing. Your eye shape. For example - Everybody knows that eye-liner make your eyes bigger and wider, right? Why would you do the same if you already have eyes without eye-liner. Why do you need to use it, anyway? To be even more bigger and wider? OF COURSE NOT! That's why I have some tips for you.
- Almond eyes: For me, personally, this is the most beautiful eye shape, even make up will not make it beautiful. If you have this shape - you are lucky. If you want to do some make up on, try with nude smoky - eyes with matter brown shadow, this kind of make up will be amazing. If you want to use a eye liner, make it thinner the inner corner and thicker in the end. Meow meow! :)
- Round eyes: Contouring your peers is the key. Apply eye shadow from medium to dark shade over the center of your lid, highlighting inner and outer corner with with lighter color. If you want to use eye - liner, recommendation is to start the eye liner from the highest peak .
- Upturned eyes: It has unique twist thanks to a natural upward lift at the outer corners of the eyes. Because of this lift, the lower eyelid appears much longer than the upper eyelid. Best make up for this is to apply a little bit darker shadow to the outer line of your lower lash line and apply medium toned shadow before. Also will be amazing to do a highlight to the brow bone.
- Downturned eyes: So, to say it in easy way... The opposite from the upturned eyes shape. your upper lid look much larger than your bottom lid. So, how we can do make up for this shape? Important is to use natural shade color to open the eyes, and don't shadow too far above the crease , it will look messy. If you like cat eye style, use eye liner and try to blend, it will make a good definition of your eyes.
6. LIPS:
- If you want your lips to look amazing, sexy and bigger, lip liner is a must have in your make up collection, even in your bag to correct it when it's needed. After that, apply lipstick or lip gloss, it will be pure perfection.
DON'T use different color and different shape between lip liner and lipstick, it will be messy and absolutely yucky! USE THE SAME COLOR!
If you have thinner lips, use darker color lip liner and lipstick. Your lips will be bigger and sexier. Usually use matte lipsticks, it's better and stay longer.
If you have thicker lips. use nude color lip liner and lipstick. If you like, use lip gloss if you like.
- This is the must have for these upcoming seasons. Summer makes you sweat, and that means, your liquid powder will be everywhere, mascara also. if you you use setting spray, you don't need to worry about that. My personal setting spray is MAC FIX +. It's heaven for my skin and I'm amazed how long my make up stay on my skin without adding more make up during all day.
- I don't want to talk about this, everybody have their own personal favorite. For me it's Benefit-Roller Lash. It's amazing, I'm not changing it very long time. But, please, I think it's not necessary to apply lashes. It looks fake to make it like a bird wings, and when you're blinking, tornado comes out. I love them to be longer and wider, but, everything natural looks better. If you have smaller lashes, it's fine, this is made for people who have smaller lashes, right? :)
So, here we are now. I think I've said enough. If you have some suggestions, if you have your personal favorites, comment, if you have someone who doesn't have much experience in make up, you can share to them this blog. I'm here to give you more informations. Stay tuned and don't be depressed, we are here to help you. Xoxo.