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Writer's picture: DreamerDreamer

This blog I will dedicate to my soulmate, my destiny, the love of my life. He was my inspiration during my lifetime to be who I am now, a believer, a lover, somebody who lives for love. I've been through my life in so many places, in a lot of life and relationship situations, different countries, but I learnt something, what does my heart say, my intuition and my feet too. I really love this topic, and after I felt karmic relationship, and also found my soulmate, believe me , whatever you read in this blog, it's 10000% true. So , let's check this out, who is your soulmate or karma. Buckle up, ladies and gentlemen.

“Soulmates tend to find each other during their respective pursuits of their soul missions. Creating a soulmate could be seen as a spiritual reward that we give ourselves, after pursuing many soul contracts rife with discord.” – Linda Brady

Everybody who hear the word "Karma" they froze. I believe you, that's normal reaction. But Karma is not that bad as you think dear. Every happens for a reason, that could be a lesson you must learn, those relationships teach you and help you to know yourself, to believe in yourself more, and if you didn't know what to expect in your partner, it will help you what you DON'T NEED in relationship. This is not only about love partner, it's about all people come into your life and go out.

Your Karma, Soulmate or Twin flame have one thing in common. INTUITION. Before your chosen one comes into your life, you will definitely feel something, like something is coming into your life, but you are not sure what is that. After this feeling he/she is coming. How will you know?? You will feel this situation and your meeting like a deja vu, you already felt that happened. That means we know him from the past.

Karmic relationships are FIRE!!! Sexual energy and passion is something what will blow your mind, you will be addicted, you can't stop thinking about nights you had together, you will want more and more. Both of you for sure. It's not one sided. After you feel this craziness you've been through, both of you will want more. That moment, everything goes wrong, you expect this will go like you wanted, but always will be not right. For example: You really want to see him or her, you want a lot of thing, but never will happened, always "something" will bother to not have time or anything to sabotage. It's not only him or her, usually is the situation. Then, it will be always some arguments, why, what or something. You will be so stressed, anxious and exhausted of this drama, but you love, you don't want to go out. The other side feels and thinks the same. So good and it's so bad at the same time.. That means that "dept" from the past is not payed yet. Always one question pop out from your mind, "How will I go, because I love like I want to die?"

And just like that, after you love so intese and so hard, you will chose yourself instead of toxic relationship. And BOOM!!! The person who is usually more hurt in this relationship will leave this "situationship". Love will stay between them, but they will never be back together, because the "dept is payed". Some Karmic relationship has a happy ending, if they are connected with a "touch" of destiny.


If your "soulmate" knocks on your door, situation is so clear, you are going to last until your last day. You are going to last forever. If you know your soulmate or if you found and met your soulmate - CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your "soulmate" is coming after you Karmic heartbreak as a reward, or you will know this "soulmate" at the early age, when you are not so mature in relationships situations, but it's better to meet him at that time, because, your feelings are so pure, your heart is not broken, when you feel, you feel it juuuust right!!!!

You know your Karmic partner like a "deja vu", but when you meet your soulmate, you will see him, you will see yourself in his or her eyes, you will know that person is THE ONE!!! Usually, believe me or not, those two soulmates looks so simmilar. For example, same eye color, lips, nose, nails. It could be some habits, like drink the same coffee and using the same hand to take a sip. Something what you will notice, and say , hey, I am doing that too, I've never seen somebody is doing the same.

Those soulmates don't say to each other "I love you", they don't need proof, They don't need anything from the partner, they know, they feel, they are so intuitive connected. When he is hurt, she will feel it, she will feel hurt. I WILL EXPLAIN BETTER, SOULMATES ARE TWO LAST PIECES OF PUZZLE WHICH FITS, AND WHEN THEY FIND EACH OTHER, THEY ARE MAKING THE SAME PICTURE OF EACH OTHERS LIFE, WHICH LOOKS THE SAME. THERE ARE NOT TWO PUZZLE PICTURES. ONE FOR BOTH OF THEM. BECAUSE THEY FEEL AND WANT THE SAME.

This connection will never be broken, never ever. You could be in different places, different city, even a country. After 8 years, they can meet and see each other, It will look like nothing changed. It would be like, you didn't see each other a month or a week. But it last sooo many years. That is your soulmate.

And usually you meet your soulmate in so funny situation, totally unexpected, like in a supermarket, your friend has a friend, or your brother has a friend. So funny and unexpected. Just feeling will tell you the truth, and your Intuition will alarm you before you meet him.


This situation between two people, is HARDCORE combination of KARMA and DESTINY.

Sexual passion is the same like karmic, and love is like your chosen one. I feel goosebumps while I'm typing this part. I will explain you like this.

One person has one body, and one piece of soul, and second person, I mean your twin flame, has one body and one piece of soul too. When you meet each other, you will know that person who has one piece is your piece you are looking for all your life. So two bodies, one soul... That's really true. Ah... my heart...

Those two people are not the same like soulmates, they are really different, they don't have many things in common, and they totally respect each other's differentces, and make their relationship even more intererested and they have a lot to talk about. Their physical and spiritual connection is divine and on top!!! They know each other needs and feelings. If somebody has a bad day, other person will know and let him go to calm down or be there if that person wants. Not because they want to impress that person, it's because they think it's right, and they know that love is here, and this is just a period of time, which everybody have. When those partners are in an argument, which it's not happening so many times. One of them must stop and not make worse, because this drama is not needed in this house. You are each others heroes in relationship. You could stand in front of you partner to take a bullet if it's needed. Without hasitation.

Women usually feel like a lady, like a women who has a strenght to do everything for this relationship, family, home, and at the same time to feel amazing in her own skin. Man is strong and feel like a real man who needs to make this home strong and protection, and this man feel masculine because he has a love and respect from his feminine lady. Ok... my heart is melting again. GOD BLESS YOU TWIN FLAMES!!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!


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